Supported Employment

Supported Employment (SEMP)

SEMP provides the supports needed to obtain and maintain paid, integrated, competitive jobs in the community at or above minimum wage. Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD) typically transition to SEMP after they receive supported employment services through the New York State Adult Career and Continuing Education Services- Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR), and require some job coaching to successfully maintain their employment. Individuals also come to supported employment from programs that offer intensive training through OPWDD. Eligibility is determined by the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).

Troy Horton
315-331-7741 ext. 1246

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Adult Career and Continuing Education Services- Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR)

ACCES-VR is available to persons with or without Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD). This program provides assessment to help identify skills, abilities, and interests. It also offers career counseling and guidance, rehabilitation and assistive technology, training, supported employment, and job placement and retention. Eligibility is determined by ACCES-VR.

Troy Horton
315-331-7741 ext. 1246

Pathway to Employment

Individuals enrolled in the Home and Community-Based (HCBS) Waiver can participate in Pathway to Employment while participating in programs such as Day Habilitation, Prevocational Services, and Supported Employment. Pathway to Employment focuses on discovery of a person’s skills, interests and abilities. The duration of the program is the lesser of 278 hours or 365 days, and participants are involved in at least two vocational activities and three short vocational experiences during the program. Eligibility is determined by the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).

Troy Horton
315-331-7741 ext. 1246

Community Prevocational Services

Community Prevocational Services assists individuals who want to work and need extra help to develop the skills needed to be successful in the workplace. Participants also engage in job readiness education. Eligibility is determined by the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).

Tracy Ayotte
315-331-7741 ext. 1456

Step 2 Work

The Arc Wayne partners with local school districts to offer the Step 2 Work program in local high schools. Students receive academic special education services from a teacher employed by the school district and receive life skills and prevocational training from an Arc Wayne school instructor in the same classroom. Students also complete job shadowing and other activities that assist the student in learning their skills, interests and aptitudes.

Kevin Berry
315-331-7741 ext. 1203

Step 2 Work

Employment Training Program

The Employment Training Program can provide you with an opportunity to work in an internship that will lead to permanent employment in a community business. During the internship, your wages will be paid by through the Employment Training Program while you learn the skills needed for the job. As an Employment Training Program participant, you will also attend job readiness classes that present topics such as conflict resolution and how to dress for work. Employment Training Program services include increased job development and job coaching as well as assistance with other employability skills. Eligibility is determined by the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).

Troy Horton
315-331-7741 ext. 1246

OMH Supported Employment

These services are allocated for specific individuals who have achieved job stabilization though ACCES-VR intensive employment services and are designed to provide ongoing supports to overcome mental health challenges in order to sustain integrated, competitive employment, or support for promotion or to find new employment. Eligibility is determined by the Office of Mental Health (OMH).

Troy Horton
315-331-7741 ext. 1246


School to Work Experience Program

The School to Work Experience Program provides transitional employment for high school students during the school day. Students are typically transported from their school to our Key Industries location during their school day for paid employment opportunities. While employed, students will also learn other important skills such as communication, cooperation, and appropriate conduct in the workplace.

Tracy Ayotte
315-331-7741 ext. 1456

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